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I am fascinated by watercolor. Even a single, isolated brushstroke  can be its own masterpiece.  Laid thick with pigment, it settles into thousands  of tiny little nooks and crannies in the paper, adjusting to the fibers. Colors swirl together. Water incorporates into the paper, lays down pigment, and then vanishes. Like a snowflake, a brushstroke is never duplicated.  Watercolor is truly magical. 


"DEEP URTH “. IT is my way of floating on paper. It is putting love and nature and fantasy creatures together and adding paint splatter. It is my way of creating a world of no suffering. Here, flora and fauna, human and machine, all care for each other.


My lifetime of 3-D modeling, engineering, and materials science bleeds into my work, reflecting an appreciation for geometric structures, abstract form and symbol, and a manipulation of the very nature of things.         


                                                  Please enjoy. â€‹â€‹

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